Siirry sisältöön

Benefits of joining

As a member, you receive support for various career stages and can take advantage of valuable benefits designed for both professional and everyday life. See below for what you gain from being a member of the Finnish Veterinary Association.

No matter where your career takes you, as a member, you can always count on the Association’s support. Our goal is to help veterinarians succeed both professionally and personally. Plus, the membership fee is tax-deductible in Finland).

We welcome veterinarians registered in Finland and veterinary students, whether studying in Finland or abroad.

We welcome veterinarians registered in Finland and veterinary students, whether studying in Finland or abroad. The Board reviews membership applications, and accepted members receive an acceptance letter. Applications submitted after the November meeting are reviewed in December, with membership starting on January 1.

Unemployment and job alternation benefits are significantly better for members of an unemployment fund. To benefit, you must join an unemployment fund yourself. Employees can join the Unemployment Fund for Lawyers and Medical Practitioners (LL-kassa), while entrepreneurs can explore the Yrittäjäkassa fund.

Membership benefits: bringing you security and information 

Advice: The Association’s Legal Counsels give members legal advice on employment matters and other issues pertaining to the profession. The Public Sector Negotiating Commission (JUKO) supports members working in the public and municipal sectors as well as at universities. The Association publishes a tax guide for veterinarians annually. Members can also access guides on seeking employment, entering into an employment contract, a guide to Finnish employment regulations (unfortunately available only in Finnish) and other matters. 

Insurance: The Association provides members with professional liability and legal expenses insurance as well as insurance for members serving in positions of trust in the Association. 

Publications: The Association publishes the Finnish Veterinary Journal (Suomen Eläinlääkärilehti, eight issues annually) and an email newsletter. On the Association’s web pages, members can read instructions and news concerning the profession, browse job ads and access the Fimnet-portal.

Fennovet tilipalvelu accountant services available with member discounts.

The Puhti telephone prescription service allows you to receive your telephone prescription fees directly via the Puhti-service. No equivalent service is available for non-members. 

Member+ is a service that provides Akava trade union confederation’s members (approx. 600 000 members) advantages and services. Summerhouses, home exchange and other services to Akava trade union confederation’s members. See current benefits here.

The Association AKY – Akavalaiset yrittäjät (Akava’s Entrepreneurs): The Veterinary Association is a member of AKY, an association focusing on the interests of entrepreneurs in Akava. AKY’s member benefits are available to our members as well. Read more about AKY in Finnish.

Bank service: Benefits from Danske Bank for customers include investment benefits and services and housing loan benefits for all members. Additional discounts for new graduates (BSc., Licentiate, PhD or Specialist in Veterinary Medicine in the last two years). Further details in finnish.

The membership fee is deductible in your personal taxation.

Pharmaca Fennica Veterinaria is available digitally with Fimnet username and password, no equivalent digital service is available for non-members. 

Participation in the annual Finnish Veterinary Congress Members with participation discounts a member.

Fennovet provides professional development courses with member discounts. The Association also arranges seminars on bookkeeping and taxations as well as other events and webinars related to veterinary profession.

Student grants: Travel grants for students are issued twice annually.

Members may be granted the right to use the Association logo subject to certain conditions.

Unfortunately, the Association’s members-only web pages are available only in Finnish. However, our staff is happy to answer any questions you may have. See the contact information for the staff.

Join us!

You can fill out the membership application online. For any questions, contact us via email at or call +358 9 7745 4810.